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Type 2 Diabetes Causes

Type 2 diabetes causes the pancreas to be unable to produce sufficient insulin, or in rare cases, type 2 diabetes causes the body to be unable to identify and use the insulin that the pancreas does produce. Insulin is a hormone, which controls the transfer of blood sugar (glucose) into cells. This causes a build-up of glucose in the blood, and cells will not receive the sugar they need to perform essential functions.

Many type 2 diabetes causes influence whether an individual is at risk. Overwhelmingly, your genetic code contributes to your risk. Not only may your family history cause type 2 diabetes, but your ethnicity also impacts your type 2 diabetes risk. Studies show that in the United States, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Japanese Americans have the highest occurrences of developing type 2 diabetes.

Other type 2 diabetes causes are centered on your body type and lifestyle. These causes of type 2 diabetes include high blood pressure, high levels of body fat, consuming too many fatty foods or too much alcohol, lack of exercise, and obesity. Also, your age may cause type 2 diabetes. Individuals are at much higher risks when they exceed 45 years of age, and again when they exceed 65 years of age.

Obviously, certain type 2 diabetes causes are outside of your control. You cannot control your age, ethnicity, or genetics. If you are obese or suffer high blood pressure, there may be factors influencing those conditions, which are also outside of your control. Recognize which type 2 diabetes causes you can control, and take steps to reduce your risk. Type 2 diabetes is much easier to prevent than treat and live with.

First, exercise regularly. If exercise is difficult for you, either physically or mentally, talk to a doctor about how to find exercise that you can handle. It is so important that you find a way to exercise, that it is worth your time and effort to make it happen.

Second, eat healthy and avoid alcohol. Stay away from fatty foods, and eat plenty of vegetables. If you struggle to stay away from unhealthy foods, try finding low-fat or nonfat substitutes, which are much improved in recent years with advances in food technologies.

Ultimately, your health is in your hands. Recognize type 2 diabetes causes and your risk of developing the condition, and you can take steps now to prevent it.


type 2 diabetes causes


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