Diabetes Statistics
Statistics on the severity of Diabetes in America
- Over 23.6 million people in America have diabetes, or 8 percent of the total population. From 2005 to 2007 alone the frequency of diabetes has increased over 13.5 percent.
17.9 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes, which leaves an undiagnosed population of 5.7 million people.
- What that means is that 5 million are unaware they have diabetes
Approximately 2,200 people in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes every day.
Diabetes is 5th primary cause of death by illness.
Statistics on the effects of Diabetes
At least 65 percent of people with diabetes die from some form of heart disease or stroke.
Diabetes and related complications accounts for about 190,000 deaths a year
Diabetes can cause impotence.
Diabetics have an average life expectancy of 15 years less than those without diabetes.
Diabetes is the primary cause of blindness for people over age 20.
Diabetics are twice as probable to develop heart disease and endure a heart attack or stroke.
Diabetics are 17x more likely to develop kidney disease.
Diabetics are 40x more likely to need amputations.
The yearly cost of diabetes to the United States is more than $9.7 billion.
Race Specific Statistics on Diabetes
- Among African Americans the occurrence of diabetes is 70 percent more likely than in Caucasian Americans.
