10 Common Myths About Diabetes
Here are the facts about diabetes.
1. Myth – Diabetes is contagious.
- Fact - Diabetes is not contagious, and is something that only an individual can develop by their own genetics and lifestyle.
2. Myth – Diabetics cannot eat chocolates or deserts.
- Fact - If sweets are a part of a diabetic’s healthy meal and physical activity plan then they are able to enjoy the same sweets a non-diabetic would.
3. Myth – Eating a lot of sugary foods can cause diabetes.
Fact - No, not necessarily diabetes is caused by a mix between genetics and lifestyle habits, if you have a strong family history of diabetes then sugary foods may increase your risk but consuming too much sugar will not cause diabetes.
4. Myth – Diabetics should only eat “diabetic” or sugar free foods
- Fact - Diabetic or “sugar free” doesn’t offer any benefits, glucose levels still increase, are more money and often have a laxative effect.
5. Myth – Diabetics should avoid carbohydrates like bread, cereal, pasta and potatoes.
Fact - Diabetics should incorporate complex carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads, pastas, and cereals in addition to starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn, which are a great source of fiber. The only exception is that diabetics should keep in mind 3 to 4 small portions a day.
6. Myth – People that are diabetic are more prone to get ill.
- Fact - You are no more prone to get sick than someone without diabetes.
7. Myth – Insulin can cause high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.
- Fact - Insulin doesn’t hardening of the arteries; the reason for why some people believe this to be true is because it is seen at the beginning of the processes that is linked with hardening of the arteries. Thus, doctors are apprehensive that insulin worsens hardening of the arteries and atherosclerosis, but not proven to be true.
8. Myth – Insulin can cause obesity and therefore is not worth the risk.
- Fact - Insulin does increase glucose in the body which can lead to weight gain, but the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) and the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) both concluded that the benefits of insulin for those in need is much more important to one’s health than the possible weight gain.
9. Myth – Fruit is considered nutritious and as much as you want can be consumed.
Fact - Fruit is abundant in fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, the type which is eaten and the frequency should be discussed with your physician.
10. Myth – There is no need for change in your diabetes regimen unless your A1C more than 8 percent
Fact - The more control you have on your blood sugar levels the less likely you are to experience complications due to your diabetes. Although 8% is a turning point, you’ll want to keep your AC1 as close to the normal zone of less than 6% as possible.
