What foods should I avoid if I am diabetic?
Knowledge is the most powerful tool when it comes to diabetes.
- Healthy diet and meal planning is the key to success for diabetes control.
- There is no standardized diabetic diet. Each individual’s diet should be customized to fit the lifestyle of each diabetic. Consult a physician that is aware of your lifestyle and medical history to create a meal plan for you.
- Nutritional management objectives:
- Preserve normal blood glucose level
- Provide a nourishing well balanced diet
- Sustain a desirable weight
- Achieve and uphold a healthy level of lipids
- Avoid further problems with diabetes
- Nutrition Basics:
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Eat a well balanced diet:
- Complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, whole grains)
- Moderate amounts of protein (milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, poultry, fish, egg white, nuts)
- Small amount of fat (butter, egg yolk, animal fat, etc.)
- Eat meals and snacks around the same time every day to avoid high and low blood sugar levels
- Healthy snacks offer the body a constant source of energy between meals and are great to avert severe hypoglycemia.
- Carbohydrates directly affect blood sugar levels, so keep an eye on that.
- Don’t eat too many carbohydrates when trying to raise blood sugar.
- Limit cholesterol and fat intake.
- Avoid meals high in salt, which put you at risk for high blood pressure.
- Increase fiber intake
